Predators Vs. Prey

Suddenly you hear a zipper sound, and the mother opossum accompanying the babies is revealed to be... ME, SPILO the whole time!

The baby opossums also take off their disguises, revealing themselves to be... just slightly older opossums, teenager opossums perhaps, who just wanted to pull of bamboozle
Suddenly you hear a zipper sound, and the mother opossum accompanying the babies is revealed to be... ME, SPILO the whole time!

The baby opossums also take off their disguises, revealing themselves to be... just slightly older opossums, teenager opossums perhaps, who just wanted to pull of bamboozle
however, then I pull another zipper on your back, and it is revealed that you were a mompossum all along, one whose mompossum teats are bulging with delicious milk :O
however, then I pull another zipper on your back, and it is revealed that you were a mompossum all along, one whose mompossum teats are bulging with delicious milk :O
The mompossum looks at herself, surprised, then she squeezes one of her teats and milk comes out.... but beet flavored milk! Making the opossum even more surprised, when suddenly...

From the distance you hear another zipper sound, and out from one of the remaining potato chips, comes ME, SPILO the whole time (yes again!)

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