Returning Hello again form the cold Scandivanian


30 January 2021
Hi all

I am Tequila and I am a spicy fox lady from the cold country of Denmark.
I am kinda an old furry been in the fandom since 2010 and have been to over 20 furcons in Europe. So if you young cubs want to know about the fandom before tiktok talk to grandma ( Just kidding i am not that old 32)
But other than enjoying a lovly tequila sunrise. I enjoy movies, cinema, theatre, opera (I would enjoy having a group of furs to chat about that), and loves movies and dnd too.

And yes my english grammar is not bed best i have mild dyslexia. But i am open to any question so fill free to post them as comment
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Hey Tequila :3 I'm glad our grandma has arrived xD (I'm 32 too, but newer to the fandom and community). Its cool that you've got so much experience in the fandom :D are you active on stage as well? Perhaps acting or performing?
Hey Tequila :3 I'm glad our grandma has arrived xD (I'm 32 too, but newer to the fandom and community). Its cool that you've got so much experience in the fandom :D are you active on stage as well? Perhaps acting or performing?
Hehe I guess I should get me a cane. But yes been a many years in the fandom and there are definitely friends that has been more than me.
I did do some amateur theater in my Teens. Played roles as Amy the butcher, and Christy the millionaire college student. And my final performance. Drunk sailor number 4
but now I am mostly doing RP in dnd and other games and sometimes do some improve
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Oh that's so cool! I've little experience with stage acting myself, only played music on stage before, but every stage actor I've met has always been quite the character :D those DND sessions must be all the more exciting for it :3

Do you do improv on stage? Or more just to have a laugh with friends?
Oh that's so cool! I've little experience with stage acting myself, only played music on stage before, but every stage actor I've met has always been quite the character :D those DND sessions must be all the more exciting for it :3

Do you do improv on stage? Or more just to have a laugh with friends?
I was in an improv group when i went to college. we were called " The Raccoons" and our show was called " Tasty Theater Trash". But now I mostly do it at Furmeet if we need a quick little icebreaker or party game.
I was more of the silent actor I tend to be more introverted. But if I was asked to perform I did it. But yeah dnd is fun and also what I love because I get to see how other people improve.
Oh, so more expression through movement and facial expressions? I can relate :3 I'm more introverted too. During concerts I do well, talking with the people afterwards too, but the next day is then often reserved for being hidden in my room, away from weird human creatures!

Do you also have any tips for anyone who might be interested in acting ^^?
I would say the Best thing is. Do not overthink it. Special improv first 10-20 maybe 100 sketches is going to suck. But that is why you go to like groups and train. If it is a play or musical. Just relax and enjoy it. There are no small parts.
Thanks Tequila! I must say, my way too high standards set for myself are probably the biggest hurdle, so knowing not to overthink and just enjoy it will help! :D I'm trying to make a hobby film with a friend and its been a ton of fun sofar writing the scenes and thinking of the story and world building elements. I'll keep your words in mind once we finally get to shooting :3

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