Last Post Wins ][: The Resurgence


....then WHY do you want to pick my lock?
I thought that having two ways into the pantry would mean less crowding :3
Half of the time there are so many rodents trying to get in that there practically is a wall made of rodents back there! Which is convenient, because that's the only kind of wall you've got.
le gasp
You bastard! No, never! Liar liar, pants on fire! I hope you rot! 😠
Don't be silly, foxpal, what a silly accusation. None of us wears any pants :3
Amen Brother :'3 you know Foxpal, I used to be a cynical atheist before I met Frogpal. Now I believe pretty much everything is possible.
Thats some nonsens better take the win
:O oh yeah! It's about the win!

chants the sacret words


the win magically appears in my hands

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