So, it's good news that I'm able to get up and running. There was a bit of an incident updating the books... I thought I'd lost rosters and all.
Turns out someone else has been backing them up for me. Who knew?
Anyways... today's going to be a bit of an intermission while I get some stuff sorted out. I want to re-evaluate who I've got that can do the Veteran tier.
So now you're going to learn the names and professions of my core team members:
- Reynauld, Crusader
- Dismas, Highwayman
- Valorges, Plague Doctor
- Craon, Vestal
- Fairfax, Leper
- Port, Grave Robber
- Dive Beugelin, Jester
- Howard, Musketeer
- Murdac, Grave Robber
- Bourneville, Jester
- Parthenai, Flagellant
- Talvace, Grave Robber
- Moyaux, Houndmaster
- Fonnereau, Antiquarian
- Hendry, Man-at-Arms
- Malleville, Bounty Hunter
- Guyot, Vestal
Team 1 is already solidly Reynauld, Dismas, Valorges, and Craon.
Team 2 is led by Fairfax, and Howard is the only other surviving team founder.
Team 4 is led by Fonnereau. Parthenai, Talvace, and Moyaux were part of the initial team formation.
Team 3 does not have a leader at present, but Bourneville and Port were founding members.
Murdac, Guyot, and Bourneville are actually one or two missions short of Resolve level 3 for Veteran status, but they're close enough otherwise.
The rest of the roster is for churning and an occasional source of replacement Veterans.
Assessing the above information, Team 1 is already set.
Team 2? Fairfax is a bit shaken, but unstirred. He remains team captain. With a sturdy wall like that, I'm actually going to assign this as a specialized mark team. Malleville, Moyaux, and Howard will fill out the ranks of Team 2. It's a tossup whether to set speed trinkets on Moyaux or Malleville - both of them are fast enough to set the first mark.
Team 4? Fonnereau stays, she's too valuable to leave out. I'm assigning fellow drunkard Bourneville to her team as well. The issue is who the other two members should be... and I'm going to go with Murdac and Hendry. I need a good strong tank on the team and I really don't want to pair off too many Grave Robbers together.
Which leads me to Team 3. I've decided Parthenai's going to be the new team captain. Dive Beugelin and Guyot are going with him, as is Port. Not exactly a bad team setup - healing, stress heals, and two good bleed dealers as well as a blight dealer. Plus, decent rank coverage.
That leaves Talvace as my reserve, in case someone bites it. I just happened to have too many Grave Robbers for this to play out any other way.
.....I really need to train another Plague Doctor or Abomination or something.